Life as we know it

The world is going through some uncertain times with the spread of COVID-19. As a parent there are many questions we face from our kids regarding this new and unknown virus. As parents we too have many questions. We look for answers from our government, health authorities, media etc. It’s something new that we are dealing with, something we’ve never had to deal with before as individuals, family members, friends and communities.
Having to change our lifestyle and livelihood is going to be a real test for some including our kids. I guess as a parent myself, talking to my kids and reassuring them about the changes involved and continue to make the best of this surreal situation. That’s what it is, surreal. Never would I have thought that we would be going through something like this. But, as I said to my kids the other day, this is a massive event that will go down in history and someday they will be able to tell their kids. Just like how my grandparents would tell me stories of World War II and my parents sharing their life tales about growing up in a poor country and coming to Australia as immigrants. Life is a cycle and as the generations pass they all have some way or another experienced hardship and turbulent times.
Maybe, after the dust settles and our brilliant scientists and medical researchers come up with a vaccine we can look back on this time and really appreciate the simple things in life.